Thursday, April 12, 2012

3 months!!

 Here is the Elly bug at 3 months...we haven't weighed her yet, but I'm sure it's bigger than last month considering the chub she's developed on her cheeks this month. She is a very happy baby!! She is always smiling and giggling and playing with the kids.  She likes her face covered in her blanket when she goes to sleep. She loves to snuggle...and this little girl knows how to burp! I am impressed with her abilities. She has discovered her hands and feet and love to play with them. She loves when I play with her feet and touch her toes to her makes her giggle :-) She has got all of us wrapped around her little finger. She loves her mom time, dad time, and brother and sisters time. The kids love playing with her trying to get her to smile! She has lots of facial expressions...the newest one being sticking out her tongue as she chews on's pretty funny. I love this little girl...she is growing way too fast for me!
Tummy time!
 Her scared face right before she cries.
 The tongue...excuse the middle finger.
 About to giggle!
 One of my favorite smiles that she does
 So cute!
 This one makes me laugh
 This is when she is babbling...she loves to talk!
 Playing with her sisters...yelling at them.
Loving dad time! I love this picture :-)

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