Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lake Lowell with Ame

It's always fun to go to the Lake on a hot day...this time we got to go with Ame and her kids and Melissa...something (can't remember her last name). It was fun to get out of the house, and this time, Tony and I actually went swimming. Thank goodness we don't have pictures of that! LOL...Elly loved the water this time again. She is quite the little fish. She stayed in the water for a long time which surprised me. She didn't complain at all when we were in the water. It was a lot of fun! This summer is going by too fast. August will be full of fun stuff too...stay tuned for all of August's activities. Probably not as much as June and July though with all the prep for school going on.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Beau and Dani's wedding

So Tony got to be a groomsman for one of his childhood friends, Beau Norris this weekend. He had to rent a tux and get all fancied up and walk down the aisle with one of the bridesmaids while I videotaped the whole thing. I was supposed to use one of her friends video camera, but at the last minute I couldn't get it to turn on...good thing I had Tony's as backup because I was able to use that one instead. It was fun to get all dressed up, but it was SOOO hot that day and we were in black and we were outside. It was crazy hot. I had fun being with Tony and all dressed fancy. Although I get all self conscious being that dressed up. Anyway, I'm glad it's over and that he got to do that for his friend.

Monday, July 16, 2012

FHE with the Whiteleys

So the kids really enjoyed going to Bill and Iris's house for Family Home Evening one night. They got to re-enact the story of Ammon. They all had a part as well as Stephanie's kids and it was so good! They enjoyed it, I loved watching it. As long as I get to just watch instead of be in it, all's well in the world with me.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Elly is 6 months old!!

6 months have gone by way too fast!! She is a little bug and we love her a lot...she has been trying all kinds of new foods now and really trying to roll over. She talks a lot and does funny little squeals when she is excited. She loves to laugh and giggle and is quite the little ham. She is a very happy baby!

The stats:
Weight: 14.3 lbs (17th percentile)
Height: 24.5 inches (6th percentile) She is a shorty little bug
ratio of height to weight is the 50th percentile.
She does NOT like to get shots and lets everyone know too. 

Here is some of my favorite pictures that we took the last month. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lake Lowell with the Berejkoff's

This was a bittersweet day...totally having a great time but also right before the Berejkoff's had to leave to go home to California.They got cleaned up from all the sand and left from our house. It was too bad that Audrey and Erin didn't get to come because they were at girls camp...and Tony had to work. We went to see him though and everyone got to watch him make pizzas. They really enjoyed that :-) We had lots of fun and of course Jana and I did our normal and had fun throwing sand on each other. The mess left in the bathroom after I was done de-sanding was incredible though.  Leo had all the kids flying through the air into the water so that made things fun for the kids too. My one moment of panic came from Tony jr. though. He got mud in his eye so he decided he was going to be done. He left and went to the truck without telling me. I seriously thought he had drowned. I was frantically looking everywhere...everyone was looking for him. When I found him in the truck he discovered first hand what happens when you scare me that his words..."she FREAKED out!" it was a warranted freak out when you don't tell anyone where you are going while swimming. It scared me really bad! I convinced him that a little mud in your eye shouldn't stop him from having fun and to get back out there and swim and his eye would clear up...and he is glad he did. He would have missed being thrown around by Leo! Elly loved swimming this time, but I think it was because the water was warmer this time. This whole week has just been a blast and I'm so glad I got to participate and do things with Jana and Leo while they were here. I will miss them and definitely look forward to when we can hang out again. BEST WEEK EVER!!