Monday, June 11, 2012

Fun day with the Green's

What a fun day! David and Stephanie Green took our family to the Discovery Center and all of us had a blast. The geese and ducks were out with their babies and we loved them and just playing with all the stuff at the Discover Center was just a lot of fun. The kids enjoyed themselves and so did I. We had a picnic at the park and took a walk along the outside of the zoo hoping to get a glimpse of some of the animals. Hopefully one of these days we will make it to the inside of the zoo with all of the kids.  That would be fun. We are so grateful to the Greens for inviting us to have such a fun day with them. Melissa came home with us afterward so we went to Grandpa and Grandma Olsen's house and had fun there too...and brought Madisyn home with us. She stayed with us for a couple of days so that was fun too. So far this summer is bringing lots of fun days to enjoy. I am loving it! I love sitting outside at the park with the kids during summer lunches too. So fun. I love it. We have good chats and enjoy the weather. I'm so loving that I feel so much better this summer and am not having morning sickness like last year. I am getting great enjoyment out of my garden and being outside this year because I'm not pregnant and miserable like last year. I'm loving this!!

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