Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Boise Temple Open House

I can't wait for the temple to reopen so we can do sessions. Even more than that, I am SO excited that the kids were able to go with us to see the inside of the temple. To be able to show Melissa the room that Joe and I were married in was so exciting. For them to see how beautiful it is inside and to be able to be with the whole family in the temple was so fun. They all loved it and it was so fun to hear them say how much they wanted to get married there. So exciting! It is so beautiful and they did an amazing job on the renovation. It is beautiful, it has also changed a lot. I was worried that it would be so different that I wouldn't have any of my memories of Joe left...but it wasn't. I still had those memories and it was different enough that I can create new memories also. We are so blessed to have the temple nearby and I love that we will be able to go back soon!

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